Kula Project

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Onward to Our 2nd Decade: Role Transitions

We are very excited to share some big news! 

A few key role transitions are taking place within Kula to set us up for continued growth and success as we head into our second decade of work.  These have been months, if not years, in the making, and we are so happy to be able to share them all.  These shifts mark an internal strengthening that will be felt throughout our work, propelling us further in our mission and impact and ensuring that our values remain at its core.  

Jackline Mutesi is our new Executive Program Director

Jackie joined Kula in June 2019 as Operations Manager from a professional background in nonprofit administration, quickly making herself indispensable as she built stronger accounting and organizational systems and increasing efficiencies across our activities in Rwanda.  In early 2020 she became Director of Administration and Finance and her role grew to include HR, all financial supervision and numerous other responsibilities.  Throughout it all her immense skills in organizational management and direction have been more than matched by her passion for the people we work with, as she combines care and compassion for both our staff and beneficiaries along with a big picture perspective for the health and growth of Kula.  Jackie holds a Master’s Degree in Project Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Accounting.  We are thrilled for her to be stepping into this new role of leading all organizational activities in Rwanda, and shaping our programs for years to come.  Jackie and her husband Felix are the proud parents of Daniella, 7 and Nziza, 5.

“For the last three years, Kula has given me an opportunity to serve in different management roles and a chance to give my best to its fellows. I am so delighted to now serve as Kula’s Executive Program Director. In respect to our mission and vision, my role is to continue advocating for coffee farmers and their families as well as devoting myself to develop our team’s talents. One of my passions is to invest much time in women’s empowerment through various trainings, enabling them to achieve their dreams. With a strong team, I know Kula will expand to the next level.”  -Jackie

Boss Fred Nsengiyumva is our new Managing Director of KPI Investments

In Rwanda, Kula’s coffee washing station and export activities operate through its registered business entity, KPI Investments.  While continuing in his current role as Operations Director for Kula, Fred is stepping into an increased responsibility of leadership as Managing Director for KPI.  Prior to joining Kula, Fred completed a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and worked with telecommunications company MTN Rwanda.  His story with Kula began by serving as an occasional translator in 2015, soon taking on countless other projects and stepping up wherever needed.  In 2017 he became Operations Director and has since led our staff as it has increased from 3 people to 23, in 3 different regions.  In the last 3 years he has overseen the renovation of our new coffee washing station and its growing operations as we have been learning the details of purchasing, processing and exporting coffee.  Since his first day, Fred has embodied the heart of Kula- always looking to learn, ever eager to innovate, and above all prioritizing our people.  This approach will be vital as we continue to increase our vision of more coffee purchased from farmers and sold around the world.  

“Kula has given me an opportunity to unleash my potential and nurtured me to become who I am today.  I’m super excited to practice servant leadership as Managing Director and I hope to learn from other senior leaders.  I’m so honored to be one of the decision makers and continue to raise the Kula flag high by helping the organization to achieve its mission.”  - Fred

Nicholas Lauten is our new Executive Director

Nic joined Kula as Program Director in 2017, bringing his experience in program management to build the strategy and implementation of Kula’s Fellowship Program.  Living in Rwanda the past 5 years, he has overseen the development of Kula’s structure and vision and worked to establish its impact among coffee farmers within the country.  Nic’s skills in organizational leadership are motivated by his belief in every person’s capabilities, and the power of seeing individuals create new realities for themselves and their families.   

“Serving as Kula’s Program Director has been my dream job for the past 5 years, and now I’m beyond excited to step into a new dream job.  I believe in this organization deeply, and know that while we’ve already accomplished so much, we are just on the precipice of where we can go.  Our vision is big, our team is strong, and we are in a unique position to greatly expand our impact for coffee farmers in Rwanda and across the region.”   - Nic

Sarah Buchanan-Sasson is still full-time with Kula in her role as Founder, continuing to share Kula’s impact and investing in new and existing relationships with donors and partners.  After 10 amazing years as Executive Director, leader and heartbeat of the organization, she will focus on new funding opportunities and creating new vision for growing Kula’s network and in turn, its impact. 

""Leading Kula these last ten years has been the highlight of my life, but being able to pass it to these three incredible leaders, Nic Lauten, Jackie Mutesi, Fred Nsengiyumva, as well as our Director of Impact, Lindsay Holben and Egide Murindababisha, our Country Director, is perhaps my greatest achievement. As our first decade comes to a close, we are thriving because of this remarkable team and their commitment to this work, and it's clear they are the ones to lead us forward. I'm incredibly proud to take this huge step as we enter our next decade of impact."  - Sarah