Peace Basket Ornaments

The Story of the Rwandan Peace Basket

“At the end of a long and dusty road, he stood underneath a tree and told his community the horrible things he had done in the 1994 genocide. After a few minutes, the community watched as she stood up and gave him a woven basket filled with her freshest food. 

He knew, however, she was offering more than just food; she was offering peace.”

These peace basket ornaments are handwoven by the women of Isoko Y’ubumenyi, a weaving cooperative created by a group of outstanding Kula graduates. These are the baskets that represent peace and forgiveness in Rwanda, and it is our hope that they will bring you peace this holiday season.

Meet the Makers

After graduating in the pioneer class at the Liddy Women’s Center and winning an investment award through the business plan competition, this group of women got to work. They secured consistent buyers, won local weaving competitions, and even began training other women in their community to grow both their business and their impact. 

Together, they created a thriving business that has changed their lives and the lives of their families.

One of these women is Fausi,

an inspiring and ambitious leader who will forever remind us that what we’re doing really matters.

Read her story here!


Kula Project