Kula's Response to COVID-19


To Our Kula Family,

Turi Kumwe. We are together. 

Now more than any time in recent history, we are reminded that we are all together. 

Over the weekend, Rwanda registered it’s first case of COVID-19, and the government responded swiftly. We are taking steps both on our own and with government directives to ensure the safety of our staff and the families with whom we work. 

Our Executive Director of Programs, in conjunction with our leadership team both in Rwanda and in the United States, has decided to pause field work for two weeks. Our staff will instead focus on administrative work, data input, and program planning, but they will be working from home as much as possible. We will provide additional funds for airtime, so our mentors can maintain contact with their fellows by telephone. Additionally, we are in contact with health officials regarding any helpful ways that we can support our fellows from a health perspective. 

The Ntango Coffee Washing station will continue operations with the minimum staff required, and extra safety gear will be provided to all staff. 

After two weeks, we will work with government officials to reassess the situation, and our hope is to resume our work in its full capacity. 

Our United States staff will continue to work from home and we’ll move scheduled, in-person meetings to video or phone calls. 

Our online marketplace will continue to operate as normal. 

These are uncertain times, but we are all in this together. Our prayer is that those infected with the virus will heal wholly and quickly. We are grateful for the health workers and all those on the frontlines that are risking themselves to keep the rest of us safe. 

We are grateful for our supporters that can continue to support our work in the midst of this uncertainty. We know things are changing rapidly, and we will adjust accordingly, but we hope to be back to normal as soon as possible.    

Lastly, in his statement to the nation, President Kagame said, “As always, we will overcome these difficult times through solidarity and working together. This will require the discipline Rwandans have always shown in confronting challenges and getting good results.” 

Turi kumwe. We are together. As always.

With love and gratitude,

Sarah B. Sasson

Founder and Executive Director

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