Kula Project

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Kula Is: An Amplifier of Unheard Voices

Juliette’s story is one of family transformation, with relational healing at its core.  A married mother of four, her home life had previously been marked by fear and discouragement.  When our mentor Alex first met her in 2019, it was clear that her marriage was characterized by control, fighting, and a negative reputation among the community.  She wasn’t involved in decision making with the family’s finances, and wasn’t allowed to work outside the home.  It was a life lacking opportunity and freedom.

Juliette joined the Kula Fellowship Program in 2021, and along with the start of group trainings, Alex began visiting her home and creating a relationship with both her and her husband and children.  Over time, things began to change.  In her own words:

Since the Kula program there have been a lot of changes in my family, especially between me and my husband. We used to have a lot of conflicts that could affect me and my children but after the gender and balance training that I attended with my husband and the mentorship, we have been trying to put everything together and discuss our challenges to improve our relationship as husband and wife.”

Juliette has gained respect within the Fellowship Program and now serves as leader for one of the training groups, and she and her husband have even come to an agreement for her to work outside the home.  In one of Alex’s recent visits to their house, he was touched by her words, the smile on her face, and her hand intertwined with her husband’s as she spoke.   

I thank Kula for the opportunity of sharing these trainings that have transformed my husband into an understanding husband and father to my children. Also I thank Kula for the guidance of the saving circles from which I was able to get a loan and buy a goat which has given birth -- and even those kids are now old enough to produce more.  From the money earned I have managed to help my husband in renovating our house.  Even more, I am excited to share that we have now made a modern kitchen garden and the food on our daily plates is very nutritious all thanks to Kula.  My children are healthy and attending school and ever since I started working I have been helping my husband to take care of all finances -- we are now a happy family.”