Business Investment Winner Highlight: Marie Claire

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Introducing: Marie Claire

Marie Rose, a Coko Women’s Center Fellow in the Northern Province, has been an incredible role model to many of her peers through her participation in the Fellowship. Many Fellows in her group mentioned that Marie Rose taught them how to take all that they’ve learned and put it into action.

She especially noted how important and valuable self-esteem training was to her because through it, she realized, “it’s possible to make [her] dreams come true”.

Throughout the program, she has ambitiously dreamed of starting her own weaving business and has already began renting a house out of which to operate her business. Due to her exemplary business plan, Marie Rose was awarded business investment out of which she has already purchased necessary materials for her business to thrive. We are so excited to hear that her weaving business is growing quickly and she is busy weaving clothes and selling them to her community. We’re so excited to follow her progress.

Kula Project